The Takeover Effect by Nisha Sharma
Series The Singh Family Trilogy Book One Genre Adult Contemporary Romance Publisher Avon Impulse Publication Date April 2, 2019
Deepak Singh was the fifth son of a fifth son. He was born in a village on the outskirts of Chandigarh, Punjab, India, and was fortunate enough to receive a boarding school education. His father was a police officer, as were his brothers, but Deepak wanted something different. He wanted something more. In his heart of hearts, he wasn’t a warrior like his brothers or the ancestors that came before him. He was a poet, and his poetry was code. Deepak knew his obsession with code was sometimes difficult to communicate, which was why he needed his morning walks to clear his head and work on his messaging. He approached the carved wooden bench that overlooked the front gardens on his estate and took a seat. The sky was a blend of orange and deep blue already, and he settled down to watch the remainder of the sunrise. A gentle spring breeze cooled his weathered skin, and he let out a sigh. He needed to ask his wife to join him on his walks again so she could enjoy the scenery with him. He took out the faded sepia picture of his family that he carried in his billfold and looked at the unmarred face of his youth. He remembered the two heavy red leather suitcases he carried, and the determined look on his wife’s face as they exited customs at John F. Kennedy International Airport for the first time all those years ago. He’d come to America to pursue his dreams, and in thirty years, Deepak had started the company Bharat, Inc., become a leading subject matter expert in image processing using deep learning, registered fifteen patents related to image recognition, and amassed a small fortune. He continued to live his life with Guru Nanak’s teachings in mind and raised his three strong sons the same way. His sons. His joy. They also lived life with Guru Nanak’s teachings and wore their commitment to god in the form of a silver kara he’d given each of them as they entered manhood. His youngest, Zail, was the most like him, and therefore the easiest for him to understand. They spent hours together in their tech lab situated in Silicon Valley. Zail wore his bracelet in silence and devotion. His middle son wore his kara and his commitment to family like a badge of honor. Ajay was in line for CEO and he was a powerful leader. Deepak just wished he lived for more than just the business. Like Hem used to. Hem. Hemdeep. His firstborn and the most complicated of all of his boys. Deepak rubbed the heel of his hand against his chest as a spike of pain shot through his heart. He’d always thought Hem would lead his empire when he was gone, but after their . . . disagreement, Hem refused to participate in the family business anymore. Deepak knew he was a part of the reason why Hem left, and even though he’d seen Hem over the last year and a half, their relationship was strained. All he wanted was his son’s happiness. If he couldn’t ensure that, then all of his money was worthless. The pain returned in his chest, following a slight tingle. Carefully putting his picture away, he stood on shaking legs and began the slow trek back to the house. Hem would have to find his own away in business and in love. Deepak just hoped that his son wouldn’t lose sight of family in the process. From THE TAKEOVER EFFECT. Used with permission of Avon Impulse. Copyright © 2019 by Nisha Sharma. NISHA SHARMA grew up immersed in Bollywood movies, eighties pop culture, and romance novels. She credits her father for her multiple graduate degrees, and her mother for her love of Shah Rukh Khan and Jane Austen. She lives in New Jersey with her cat Lizzie Bennett and her dog Nancey Drew. You can find her online at or on Twitter and Instagram at @nishawrites. Website | Twitter | Instagram | Goodreads | Amazon
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