5 Spoons - An amazing, memorable story that I loved and want to read again. The best of the best and not given lightly. 4 Spoons - Fantastic, entertaining story that I enjoyed and connected with and will gladly recommend to readers. 3 Spoons - A good story, not much that stood out but I was engaged to spend the time to read it through. 2 Spoons - A story with some issues, that was a problem to me. Didn't catch my interest, or the story had too many plot holes, mistakes, or character(s) I didn't like/connect with. 1 Spoon - Not for me |
Books & Spoons is a website for romance readers & food lovers,
I'm an ardent ambassador for romance novels and home cooking BOOKS - where you find book reviews, excerpts, book tour events, book promos, giveaways etc. The focus is on romantic suspense and contemporary romance genres. SPOONS - you will find recipes, meal ideas, food inspiration, and other food related matters. By purchasing your books via the buy links from Amazon on the website, the four pennies on the dollar that Books & Spoons receive from the sale will go directly back to maintaining the website. |
I love to read romantic suspense and contemporary romance novels, with happily ever after endings, no cliffhangers, and no third person drama/cheating issues, no 1st person POV.
I don't read historical, science fiction, paranormal romance, fantasy or Young Adult genre, and the billionaire stories rarely catch my interest. Currently taking review requests only from authors I have read before due to the limited time to read and review. Books & Spoons does not purchase (all) the books reviewed on this blog. The website receives review copies of books from *publishers *authors or their representatives *third party services, such a NetGalley or Edelweiss. The source of a book has no bearing on the outcome of the reviews. Books & Spoons is not monetarily or in any other form compensated to provide an opinion/review on the books. The reviews and opinions expressed on this website are purely an honest, personal opinions of the reviewer. |