The Nanny Arrangement Country Blues #2 By: Rachel Harris Releasing May 22, 2017 Entangled Bliss ![]()
Soft-spoken and shy Hannah Fisher is determined to make the man she’s loved her entire life finally see her as a woman. With the help of a makeover, a new mission—Operation Find My Happy—and the convenient forced proximity of a tour bus, she vows to win her best friend Deacon’s heart.
Former bad boy and current fiddle player Deacon Latrell has the world at his fingertips: a new gig with a famous band, plus his best friend on tour as his son’s nanny. Life couldn’t get much sweeter. Now if only he could stop imagining kissing the daylights out of his childhood BFF… With one friend set on pushing the boundaries and the other afraid to rock the boat, one thing’s for certain—their story would make one heck of a country song.
There's so much to love and enjoy in this sweet, adorable, and ardent romance story that hit all the three S's on several occasion - yes, I was smiling, swooning and sighing ( a nice way to say sobbing) while reading, and ended up inhaling this delightfully charming story.
One of my favorite type of romances is when the best friends find love with each other. The relationship has such a solid and strong foundation to built on, it is easy to see the romance carry on for ever after. What Hannah Fisher and Deacon Latrell have is something special, it is a unique connection of their minds and souls, and as corny as it might sound, they truly do complete each other. Deacon Latrell had been kicked around as a kid, growing up in rough and tough environment taught him to keep people at arm's length. Until Hannah crossed the street and walked into his life. Then he turned into a protective superhero, who looked after her, kept her safe from bullies, grew up with her, and always had her back. Just like Hannah had his. Hannah Fisher had loved Deacon for ten years, from the moment they met. He was her best friend, her Superman, the one person who saw her true self, not her clothing or her stuttering or her status at the school. She had tried to escape her feelings for Deacon, yet upon failure decided it is time to act and go after her dreams. Hannah is a sweet, caring, and kind person. She loves kids, and her gentleness and genuine caring for others draws people in, her selfless nature makes it easy to be around her. The development of the relationship between Hannah and Deacon is filled with humor, tenderness, and tears. It was impossible not to adore how they relate to each other. The feelings between them are tangible, yet to risk the friendship and everything they have and have had, and to take their relationship to a next level is a step that brings angst and fear into the picture, jitters that can end up wrecking all that they used to have. I enjoyed the good energy and the positivity of the story. The band, even though famous, was not acting like 'famous rock stars', they were fun and lively, family oriented, and a friendly bunch that you wanted to spend time with. Hannah's parents and especially her dad has a special relationship with Deacon. The way the Fisher's embraced Deacon as a young boy, and now as a man is admirable. The love and consideration they have for Deacon and his son Max is a beautiful thing to witness. With humor and tense, deep emotions, the author tells a story filled with devotion, affection, and loyalty. A story that goes from ardent to anxious to tender and doting. Absolutely a delightful tale that filled my heart and left me smiling ~ Four Spoons with a teaspoon on the side
Deacon released a heavy breath. Sometimes the right thing felt a hell of a lot like nausea. Resolved with what he had to do, he looked at the door…then slowly dropped his hand.
He’d give it another few minutes. Calling himself ten shades of coward, he redirected his steps. A hot shower would clear his head. Maybe he’d even pull a Hannah and rehearse what he’d tell her in advance. It always worked for her, helping her control her stutter, and though Deacon didn’t have that particular problem, he was nervous as hell. If her head was even half as muddled as his was, this conversation wouldn’t be easy. Frustrated, he shoved open the bathroom door harder than necessary. Fog and heavily scented air rushed to greet him, and it took a second for the reason to register. When it did, he came to an abrupt stop with one hand on the doorknob and one foot still in the hall. Candy and flowers. As the steam disappeared through the crack in the door, a vision appeared, plucked straight from his recent fantasies. Creamy skin, pink from the shower and wet with liquid drops, topped anything his imagination could’ve conjured. Damp ginger curls clung to a slender throat that was arched back, making a sexy silhouette as full lips trembled in a silent speech to the ceiling. Dark, spiky lashes lay across a flushed cheek, hiding a pair of expressive eyes he’d know anywhere. Torture, thy name was Hannah. Gone was the girl he’d known in high school. Erased was the rock he’d depended on in college. The goddess in the shower was a woman, a beautiful woman, with tantalizing curves, shapely legs, and the most incredible smile he’d ever seen. The arousal flowing through his veins mocked his previous so-called resolve. “Cherry.” Her name came on a choked breath, but Hannah’s eyes snapped open. Smooth skin turned to stone as she stared at the ceiling, wide-eyed, before slanting those green eyes toward him in horror. “Deacon!” Frantic, she tried to cover her body, slinging one arm over her perfect breasts while reaching for the folded towel on the counter with the other, only to quickly draw back her hand and slap it over her lower half as well. It was the hardest thing he ever did, keeping his eyes above her waist. Taking one step forward, he grabbed the terrycloth and handed it over, not trusting himself to get any closer. When she took it from his hands, she could hardly look into his eyes. Deacon’s chest gave a hard kick. Hannah made quick work of the towel, wrapping the terrycloth around her torso and clinging to the edges. She bit her lip and stammered, “Wh-what are y-you doing?” It wasn’t remotely funny. The reappearance of her stutter meant she was either stressed or anxious, two things he never wanted to be the cause of. But he couldn’t help the laugh that broke free at the innocent question. A full-bodied, unstoppable laugh that threw his head back with the force of it. “What am I doing?” he repeated in amusement, hearing the gruffness of his own voice and dragging in a deep, floral-scented breath. “Oh, Cherry… I’m losing my ever-loving mind.”
Describe yourself in five words or less. Silly, hopeful, romantic, and loyal. What do you like to do when you aren't writing? When I’m not writing, I’m a homeschool mom (my main job and passion in life), so you can usually find me with a book in hand and cuddled with my children. Or in my SUV driving the streets of Houston to one of their extracurriculars and hoping like heck Google Maps knows where it’s going ;) Family time is very important to me and our days are hectic and full. If I’m not doing any of the above, I’ll be in drinking wine with my husband or in the bathtub reading a good romance (a yummy candle is a must!). A la Twitter style, please describe your book in 140 characters or less. Love hides in the most surprising places: right under your nose, and sometimes, in the nanny's tour bus bunk #FallingForYourBestFriend #Oops What types of scenes are your most favorite to write? I’ve recently discovered that I LOVE writing scenes where the heroine is slightly tipsy lol. It’s so much fun to see how my characters act, what they think, and definitely the things they say, where their guards are down and their confidence is high. Hilarious settings and situations are a definite plus! How long have you been writing, and what (or who) inspired you to start? In some ways, I’ve always been a writer, but I never finished a story or ever considered it a potential career until about seven years ago. My husband bought me the Twilight books and I fell back in love with reading—and I read so much and talked my husband’s ear off so much that he suggested I try writing a book, too. It was summer break for our home school and my girls were very young, so I thought I’d give it a shot. I threw myself into research, studied my favorite books and read every blog post on writing from my favorite authors, and by August of 2010, I started what would later become The Fine Art of Pretending, one of my YA contemporary romances. I finished that by Thanksgiving, started My Super Sweet Sixteenth Century by January, and that book released the following year. In 2012, my fabulous editor at Entangled suggested I try writing an adult romance for a new imprint that she was launching, and I’ve been having a blast writing both ever since. Is anything in your book based on real life experiences or purely all imagination? Every book I write has some borrowed real life experience, and every character I create has a piece of me. Hannah’s love of silly made-up songs is totally me (I even put in one of my children’s favorites about muffins in the book, ha!), and I used my own memories with my kids for all things nanny. But the biggest experience that I borrowed for the book is probably a particularly epic moment that happens after Deacon and Hannah’s first kiss! I won’t spoil anything by giving it away, but let’s just say what happens after that is a hodge-podge of TWO epic/embarrassing moments that happened in my own life. Hey, what good is it being an author if you can’t write-in your most mortifying moments to share with the world, right?? LOL ![]()
New York Times bestselling author Rachel Harris writes humorous love stories about sassy girls-next-door and the hot guys that make them swoon. Vibrant settings, witty banter, and strong relationships are a staple in each of her books…and kissing. Lots of kissing.
An admitted bookaholic and homeschool mom, she gets through each day by laughing at herself, hugging her kids, and watching way too much Food Network with her husband. She writes young adult, new adult, and adult romances, and LOVES talking with readers! Author Links: WEBSITE | FACEBOOK | TWITTER | GOODREADS
1 Comment
Allisia with Tasty Book Tours
30/5/2017 15:33:29
Thank you for sharing your review today!
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