Protecting her life will mean betraying her trust
Ainsley Hamilton has always been the responsible one of the family. As the oldest daughter of presidential candidate Buckmaster Hamilton, she's also a potential target. For months she's sensed someone following her. When an expedition to scout locations for a commercial takes a terrifying turn, she's rescued by a natural-born cowboy who tempts the good girl to finally let loose. Sawyer Nash knows just how reckless it is to fall for someone he's gone undercover to protect. Yet masquerading as an extra on set, he starts to see beneath Ainsley's controlled facade. And with the election—and a killer—drawing closer, Sawyer stands to lose not just his job and his life but the woman for whom he'd gladly risk both.
A terrific western filled with action, danger and drama in many different forms. This is the last installment of the series, and all the loose ends, that seemed to be several, from the previous books are wrapped up and brought to conclusion.
There are several storylines going on at the same time, the reader gets to catch up with the folks from the other titles, Ainsley's parents still had some unfinished business to clear up, ex-girlfriend's jealousy causing problems, and so on. There's a lot going on, and to keep up with everything, it might have been beneficial to read the previous books in the series, something I didn't do. The book can be read as a standalone novel, but I would recommend reading the previous books first. The suspense, danger, and action are constant and intense. The culprits, that kept me guessing until the end, gave me the chills and made me check the locks in the house. The author changes scenes in the story on a fly and left me hanging, biting my nails, several times. The romance was more on the back side of the tale, nearly drown by everything else going on in the tale, yet still left me satisfied with the events and final solution. An explosive and drama filled ending to a western family saga, spiced up with political power games, menace, and threats, tension and high emotions. ~ Three Spoons with a teaspoon on the side
B.J. Daniels' life dream was to be a policewoman. After a career as an award-winning newspaper journalist, she wrote and sold 37 short stories before she finally wrote her first book. Since then she has won numerous awards including a career achievement award last year for romantic suspense.
She lives in Montana with her husband, Parker, two Springer Spaniels, Jem and Spot, and a temperamental tomcat named Jeff. When she isn't writing, she snowboards, camps, boats and plays tennis. Website | Facebook | Twitter
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