Trust the enemy?
Desperate to escape her kidnappers, Kody Cameron can turn to only one man…and he's holding a gun. Outnumbered and trapped in the deadly Everglades, she has little recourse, but something in this captor's eyes makes her believe she can trust him. Does she dare to take the risk? Undercover agent Nick Connolly has met Kody before and knows she might very well blow his cover. Though determined to maintain his facade, he can't let Kody die. He won't. And his decision to change his own rules of law and order are about to make all hell break loose.
Law and Disorder start with a chaotic hostage situation at the old mansion in Miami. A group of bandits masked as famous robbers of the history is after a treasure hidden for decades. Convinced that Kody Cameron, with her extended research on the matter, is the only one who could ever find it, they kidnap her to find the treasure for them.
One of the bandits is an undercover FBI agent Nick Connolly, who months ago met Kody in New York and is afraid she will blow his cover, and so the whole operation, to capture one of the top ten most wanted criminals in the country. I love the author's work, Heather Graham writes mind-blowing suspense stories with some romantic aspects in them. Law and Disorder has an extended background story to it, the history of the treasure, the history of the mansion, the history of the famous robbers, the history of the bandits, the history of Nick and Kody's connection and meeting... There is a lot of information in the first quarter at the book, and it does get a bit overwhelming. But after the scene is set the story picks off and the intensity of the suspense grows rapidly as the hunt for the treasure change locations. I liked the characters, both Nick and Kody. While at the mansion Nick is doing his best to keep everyone alive and keep his cover. The dance between the tasks isn't easy, and at times it seemed nearly impossible that no one picked up on his duplicity. Nick is a fair, humble and kind man, he loves his career and the work he does. His instant attraction to Kody months ago in New York let to nothing but now he maybe has a new chance to make a move, if they all just survive the coop. Kody is an actress, a bit flamboyant, but with a heart of gold, and always putting others first. She is a passionate, brilliant, and brave, though she sometimes let her mouth go before her thoughts. The action is vivid and violent, the leader of the bandits doesn't have much value for a human life, yet has an interesting code of conduct that spikes up at the most unexpected times. The twists in the plot are unforeseen, the constantly growing intensity puts the reader to the edge as the characters slosh around the swamps fighting against the wildlife as much as the insane, murderous leader of the bandits. With lot of history and scenery from the Everglades, the unpredictable tale of deadly and dangerous action takes the reader for a hunt of a lifetime where human life doesn't have much value, where precarious nature is adding into the hardship, yet a surprising, wonderful, tender feelings take root and a priceless treasure of heart is found. I'm looking forward to this new exciting series from one of my favorite authors! ~ Three Spoons with a teaspoon on the side
New York Times and USA Today best-selling author Heather Graham majored in theater arts at the University of South Florida. After a stint of several years in dinner theater, back-up vocals, and bartending, she stayed home after the birth of her third child and began to write, working on short horror stories and romances. After some trial and error, she sold her first book, WHEN NEXT WE LOVE, in 1982 and since then, she has written over one hundred novels and novellas including category, romantic suspense, historical romance, vampire fiction, time travel, occult, and Christmas holiday fare. She wrote the launch books for the Dell's Ecstasy Supreme line, Silhouette's Shadows, and for Harlequin's mainstream fiction imprint, Mira Books.
Heather was a founding member of the Florida Romance Writers chapter of RWA and, since 1999, has hosted the Romantic Times Vampire Ball, with all revenues going directly to children's charity. She is pleased to have been published in approximately twenty languages, and to have been honored with awards frorn Waldenbooks. B. Dalton, Georgia Romance Writers, Affaire de Coeur, Romantic Times, and more. She has had books selected for the Doubleday Book Club and the Literary Guild, and has been quoted, interviewed, or featured in such publications as The Nation, Redbook, People, and USA Today and appeared on many newscasts including local television and Entertainment Tonight. Heather loves travel and anything have to do with the water, and is a certitified scuba diver. Married since high school graduation and the mother of five, her greatest love in life remains her family, but she also believes her career has been an incredible gift, and she is grateful every day to be doing something that she loves so very much for a living. For more information, check out her websites: TheOriginalHeatherGraham.com, eHeatherGraham.com, and HeatherGraham.tv. You can also find Heather on Facebook, Twitter and YouTube.
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